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Smores Bars by Ashley

These are a pinterest recipe and oh so yummy and easy!

Smores Bars
Refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough 
About 12 flat marshmallows (Have you seen these?  They are perfect)
About 3-4 hershey chocolate bars
Graham crackers

Spray the bottom of a casserole dish (size is up to you..vary the amounts of your ingredients accordingly)
line the bottom of your dish with graham crackers 
put your break apart chocolate chip cookies on top of the graham crackers and flatten them with your palm
add the chocolate bars until they cover the cookie dough
Bake at 350* for 15 minutes, then add your flat marshmallows to the top to brown and melt for about 5 minutes.
Cut into bars when they've cooled and serve with a tall glass of ice-cold milk.


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